Communication Trends Of 2022 & Predicting the Future


Discover the exciting communication trends of 2022 that will shape the future of how we connect and engage.

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- The pandemic has accelerated changes in communication, with online platforms becoming more prominent.- Omnichannel communication, where companies are present across multiple platforms, is gaining traction.- Video content has become increasingly important, both for remote work and marketing purposes.- Personalization based on data and a focus on customer experience are key trends to watch out for in 2022.

The way we communicate has been changing drastically, and this change has been greatly accelerated by the pandemic. With life shifting towards the online more and more, so has communication. New trends have been rising in 2022, and they seem to be here to stay. Keeping up with the trends isn't enough anymore. Being part of the next big thing requires foresight and initiative. We have put together some of the communication trends to watch out for in 2022 that can help you with insights into the future state of communication.

1. Omnichannel Communication

Although it is not a new trend, the trend of omnichannel communication has been gaining a lot of traction. With the increase in the number of available communication platforms, different customer profiles now exist on different platforms. To become available to their customers, companies are shifting towards being present across multiple communication channels. One thing to pay attention to when it comes to this trend is to offer customers an experience that is as consistent as possible across all of these varied channels.

2. The Rise Of Video Content

As remote working became a part of our lives, video communication came to play a huge role in the way we communicate with people. We have seen the growth of video communication platforms such as Zoom in the last few years. Video communication has also become a part of B2C communication due to its efficiency and personal touch.

Inbound marketing has been changing as well. With the emergence of TikTok, shortly followed by Instagram Reels, the type of content consumed has been shifting heavily towards the short video format. More and more companies have been investing in their video content strategies.

3. Personalization Based on Data

Another trend that has been on the rise for some time now is personalization through data. Many studies have now shown that customers care more and more about their experience with a company and are willing to share data for a personalized experience. According to a 2018 Epsilon study, 80% of consumers were more likely to buy when a company offered personalized experiences. Accenture's Pulse Check report has additionally revealed that 83% of consumers were willing to share their data to receive a personalized experience.

This trend has gained even more importance with the emergence of new technologies and personalization improvements. As data can now be utilized better for hyper personalization, it's no surprise that this trend only gets more prominent with time.

4. Main Focus On Customer Experience

A shift from the old way of doing business, where delivering a good quality product was enough to make money, the customer experience has become increasingly more important. Customers expect to get the most out of their purchases, and that includes a great experience at every touchpoint. These expectations vary from great customer service to customer success. This trend is one to watch out for if companies want loyal customers and repeat business.

BHuman: Building The Future Of Communication

Communication changes and shifts continuously with time. New generations and new technologies are paving the road to the future. is doing exactly that.

BHuman is allowing personalized video communications at scale that can be utilized in all areas of communication, from outreach to recommendation engines and customer aftercare. Our platform allows you to create personalized videos at scale by spending the time and effort it takes to create just one. Our AI technology does the hard work for you, allowing you to personalize your communication efforts even on a massive scale, so that you can provide all of your customers with the care and attention they deserve.

With our platform's ability to create personalized videos at scale, you can address each and every one of your customers by name to explain your products and services, offer data-driven personalized recommendations face-to-face, thank them for their purchase, ask for feedback, provide customer support, offer promotions, and so much more. The use cases are only limited by your imagination! 

Don't miss out on the future! Sign up for our platform today to utilize quick and easy personalization at scale.

To learn more about the other ways you can utilize for your business, visit our site at You can also contact us at and we will be happy to inspire you in all the ways you can use to improve your communication efforts. 

Communication Trends Of 2022 & Predicting the Future

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